Thursday, April 5, 2012

Not a New Revelation, Just One I Finally "Get" (for now)

I'm just going to ignored that I haven't blogged in almost two years and skip over the promise that I'm actually going to try to keep up with it this time. I just have something to share that's longer than a status update....

As many of you already know, I usually try to avoid situations and conversations that make me feel uncomfortable. Sharing my faith and inviting people to church falls in that category. Well, last Sunday, Sam (my pastor), told us the postcards inside our bulletins were not for us, they were to give to a friend. I said a quick prayer asking for God's direction in this, decided to throw it on a table in the break room at work and completely forgot about it.

As usual, the day before a holiday weekend, people we're a little more chatty at work. A friend of mine stopped me to talk and asked if I had fancy dresses picked out for the girls for Easter. Ugh. Easter dresses?! I was negotiating the purchase of my house all week! Who had time to think about Easter dresses?! Opps!

I confessed I hadn't even thought about it and said, "Thankfully, I go to a church that doesn't expect that kind of thing. I'm sure they have something in their closet that will look nice." This turned the conversation to her own recent experience with churchs and when she made the statement that she was looking for a church that was more racially diverse, I said, "My church is kinda like that." She asked a few more questions and said she'd like to come visit sometime.

At break time, I ran out to the van to grab the postcard and gave it to my friend. No pressure, nothing uncomfortable, just a simple "Here's the address and service times." Then we talked about food.

It's such a simple story, but it excited me. Who knows if she'll ever show up. I don't think you can even call it "growing" moment for me. No big fears were conquered. They're all still there. I know I didn't really DO anything at all.

It just makes me wonder if we ever do. If it could be so easy. Why do we make it so difficult?